Four Ways to Make Your Call Center Run Like a Well Oiled Machine

Four Ways to Make Your Call Center Run Like a Well Oiled Machine

Strategies for success from the ICMI Call Center Demo & Conference

Last week I had the honor of participating in a panel discussion (Beyond the Hype: A Real World Look at Cloud vs Premise Based Services) at the International Customer Management Institute’s conference in Atlanta. The packed event spanned three days and included call center tours and a variety of sessions filled with valuable information for contact center management.

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How Storytelling Helped to Create a Billion Dollar Brand

How Storytelling Helped to Create a Billion Dollar Brand

As a product marketer, I am always looking for ways to cut through the clutter and reach my audience in a way that stands out. These days, the use of storytelling in marketing is all the rage. From TED presentations and keynotes to product advertisements and digital media, marketers now realize that it is more effective to tell a good story than it is to recite a long list of features and benefits.

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